- Paired proteomic analysis reveals protein alterations in sun-exposed skin of professional drivers
- Enhancing zinc and iron biofortification in mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) through various application method
- Progesterone in pregnancy
- Ferulic acid lipid nano capsules versus its native form in alleviating diabetic nephropathy induced in rats through TGF-β1/Hippo pathway crosstalk modulation
- Selective phase separation of transcription factors is driven by orthogonal molecular grammar
- Leveraging glycosylation for early detection and therapeutic target discovery in pancreatic cancer
- Multi-scale modeling and simulation of skeletal muscles with different fatigue degrees based on microphysiology
- Mechanistic insights into the P-coumaric acid protection against bisphenol A-induced hepatotoxicity in in vivo and in silico models
- Pan-PTM profiling identifies post-translational modifications associated with exceptional longevity and preservation of skeletal muscle function in Drosophila
- A GTP-driven central carbon metabolism in the cellulolytic bacterium Ruminiclostridium cellulolyticum
- Cryo-TEM structure of β-glucocerebrosidase in complex with its transporter LIMP-2
- SGA-Driven feature selection and random forest classification for enhanced breast cancer diagnosis: A comparative study
- Dynamic membrane changes and osmotic effects by sugar alcohols
- Heterologous expression and enzymatic properties of lipase from Mucor circinelloides
- Multi-omics study reveals differential expression and phosphorylation of autophagy-related proteins in autism spectrum disorder